tiny harvest: first fig

I posted this photo last year, this lonely yet lovely little fig, November 1 2022 to be exact. The fig of hopefulness. Amidst the mad scramble of moving house a couple of years ago (scary covid days!), I unearthed a tiny tree, the descendant of the fig my family brought from Italy generations ago, like so many fig trees across the boroughs and the metropolitan area that kept company with immigrant Italian families. It had limped along in my shady yard in New Jersey for years. When the time came, I was certain that if I left it there, no one would recognize what it could possibly be… neglected, it would not survive. So in a last minute November dash, up it came for that 7 mile ride and into the rocky, unfamiliar ground it went, here along side my new wonky old antique house. Dug in and bundled up quickly and as best I could, it was worth a shot.

It poked it’s little self up that first spring… a little extra care and attention steadied it that season. Fall of 22 it pushed out the tiny treasure you see above, hmm. And soon, you’ll see where we stand this summer with my old friend. I’ll be updating the next chapter of our fig soon. Stick around and see how my summer companion likes the new digs.


carry overs


later spring 2023