august skies

perseid ring

many moons pendant

Much happening in the night sky in August!

2 moons and the annual Perseid showers. After getting started in July, the showers peaked last weekend under rainy skies in the metro area. The weekend’s waning moon should have made for good viewing in a dark sky, but the clouds were not cooperative. However, the duration is through August, so worth looking up late on a clear dark night and possibly catch a stray falling star.

The second full moon of August is yet to come, a blue moon and a super moon, occurs on August 30th.

Lots to be inspired by. If you would like to never sleep, keep up with the cosmos at EarthSky, where, for example, you would find this August guide. A myriad of sky watching opportunities abound and EarthSky beautifully maps it all out with guides and illustrations, citizen science right at your fingertips with a click.


at Garrison Craft this fall!


it’s time