festival on the Hudson

Rain or shine, they say… and so it was!

After a historic (don’t they all seem historic these days?) deluge on Friday, illustrated by my soggy view at the kitchen window, the Garrison Art Center regrouped and the show was on. A quiet and chilly Saturday on the charming Garrison Landing gave way to a brilliant fall Sunday with much to see and do.

I was flabbergasted by and thankful for the many friends and colleagues who took a ride up to Garrison to well wish, visit, and shop.

Privileged to meet some lovely new folks and take in the river views and range of beautiful hand made goods, it was an exercise in resilience and observation. My gratitude reinvigorated, Reagan and I sat by the mighty Hudson for a last catch up before heading home to our respective states.

The luxury of time with an old friend was the best part of all.


summer garden gives way to fall


at Garrison Craft this fall!